Sunday, 11 November 2018

#1 Let's get the struggle for life started

Hello and welcome to the development blog of [qylor]!
[qylor] is the name of a computer video game series. Its first episode - archetype - is being developed with unity, using blender to model objects and audacity to record and process sound.

The game is currently in a very very early stage of development and the first episode is going to take several years until launch. To be honest: It is not going to be an triple-A title but (hopefully) an unique game experience!

Since I was a child I have been fascinated by survival. For several years I fought dozens of fights... well okay, just with toys (Lego)... but it was great fun! No it is not going to be a Lego game but the idea of survival remains.

Survival as a genre has recently become quite popular when it comes to video games. I enjoyed playing different games of this genre (e.g. bermuda project, s.t.a.l.k.e.r: chernobyl, minecraft, stranded series, ark: survival evolved, rust, the long dark, osiris: new dawn, the black death, raft) and others with some of its elements (e.g. gothic series, elderscroll series, mount and blade: warband, kenshi, freelancer, far cry 3). Of course there are plenty of interesting movies out there too (eg. riddick, 28 days later, cast away, I am legend, into the wild, everest, the martian, u-571) and I guess books as well (I have not read that many, only red planet and the comic series prince valiant).

So how is the game going to be? Well, it was utopian to even think that it will include all the great things of these games, movies, books. However, certainly the development will be inspired by some of its elements.

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